But, despite this introduction, the weather remained fine and dry and we were able to put in another full day on site – it was very much a time for winding down and finishing off lots of loose ends. The activities of yesterday were continued, planning the still open areas and carrying out further backfilling even to the extent of covering up the lower section of “DF” – see below.

A limited amount of digging still continued and Rebecca uncovered a bone bead within “DF” to go with the fragment of shale bracelet that Eddie had found in “DM” earlier in the week; and together with Eddie’s tiny piece of Samian, and the substantial greyware rim sherd that Roger recovered, these constituted the more interesting finds of the week.
At the end of the day, we said goodbye to Eddie, James and Barbara, and in the long-standing tradition of CHW, the evening was rounded off, back in the village, with a pub quiz – which Don, Rebecca and Michelle won.
Phil Carroll, UWHG information Officer
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