Wednesday, 14 July 2010

12. Week 2 - Monday 12th July 2010

A rejuvenated Roger was back on site but so was the rain; not hard enough to stop play, just enough to make digging unpleasant and the Find Teams note book become very soggy!.

Don and two of the Newcastle students started surveying the area about 20 metres from the east end of the trench edge near the hollow way.

We were joined by young Jennifer, a member of the Skipton branch of the Young Archaeologists Club, who put in a splendid effort and said that she enjoyed her day despite the rain.

Aidan continued his mammoth planning task and Michelle not only excavated copious amounts of bone but also a collection of snails! Not content with this, she also spent time before the day's activities began, and after it finished, by using her metal detector to find several objects.

A prolonged lunch break gave us some time to dry out from the rain, whilst Roger and Don reflected on the site, accompanied by rather loud giggles from the equipment tent housing
the students.

Some people actually enjoy digging in the rain!

A productive day and a busy time for the Finds Team.

Alan Williams, UWHG

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